Working with Brighton & Hove Council a Customer and Driver Charter was formed and the following appears on the councils website.
Customer & Driver Charter
Both the customer and driver are expected to be treated with dignity and respect at all times and not to engage in any discriminatory behaviour and to comply with the law. Unsafe or inappropriate behaviour by the passenger/customer or the taxi driver is unacceptable.

Shared Responsibility
Both the customer and driver are expected to be treated with dignity and respect at all times and not to eng age in any discriminatory behaviour and to comply with the law. Unsafe or inappropriate behaviour by the passenger/customer or the taxi driver is unacceptable.
This conduct may put either of you at risk and could offend, harm or result in the matter being reported to the police or other actions being taken.
The Customer should expect the driver:
To be clean and presentable.
To present the vehicle in a clean and roadworthy state.
To wear the council provided driver licence badge.
To have good knowledge of the city.
To take the most economical, practical route unless otherwise directed to the driver at the start of the journey.
To charge no more than the fare shown on the meter, or the fare agreed before your journey commences and provide a receipt upon request.
When requested, give all reasonable assistance in helping in and out of the vehicle, and with loading and unloading luggage.
To convey reasonable luggage.
To be aware of disabilities and special needs and offer assistance when sought.
To be aware of the Helping Hand Scheme administered by Brighton & Hove Buses
When waiting at rank in a hackney carriage not to refuse a fare without reasonable cause such as alcohol or drug issues, ending outside the licensing authority areas, or any unreasonable hiring.
Not to play music without your permission.
To drive in a professional and courteous manner at all times.
To carry guide, hearing and other assistance dogs unless expressly exempt.
The Driver should expect the customer
To be clean and presentable and not cause damage or soiling to the vehicle where a charge may be levied as shown on the tariff sheet.
To be in a fit state to travel.
To have the means of payment before engaging the hiring and to provide proof of ability to pay before the start of the journey upon request.
To present specific directions of a favoured route if desired.
Not to request to exceed speed limits.
Not to consume food or drink unless expressly permitted by the driver upon request.
Not to seek to carry more than the permitted passengers.
Not to cause the driver to neither be distracted from safe driving nor interfere with any vehicle equipment or controls.
Drivers Rights
A Driver may refuse to take passengers or terminate a hiring if they are violent, noisy, misbehaving, filthy,in a state of drunkenness or of a drug endued state or where acting in an offensive manner or expected to undertake an unreasonable hiring.
Fares In a hackney carriage taxi it is expected that the meter will be engaged to charge no more than the maximum permitted by the council in accordance with the Tariff Sheet within the licensing authority area.
For journeys terminating outside the local licensing authority area the fare may be mutually agreed between the driver and the customer
February 2019
This conduct may put either of you at risk and could offend, harm or result in the matter being reported to the police or other actions being taken.Brighton & Hove Taxicab Charter for Customers and Drivers.